Filing an LTD disability claim with The Hartford
The Hartford may send an investigator to interview the claimant and may ignore medical evidence contrary to that of their own medical experts. It’s so important to have a lawyer with LTD experience.
Cigna Long-term Disability Claims
Cigna Long-term Disability Claims Assistance Appealing for benefits is best done under the guidance of an experienced disability lawyer. Free Consultation Cigna is one of the largest LTD companies offering policies today. If you wish to appeal a denied claim...Filing a Long-term disability claim with Lincoln Financial Group
There are numerous reasons Lincoln Financial can deny a claim including insufficient medical records, missed deadlines and your medical condition is excluded
Why do I need a disability lawyer to file for Social Security disability benefits?
Statistics show that an applicant who is represented by legal counsel is more likely to have their claim approved and that the process takes less time.